Inspiring People
Every person has a dream. TBL Leadership Partners connects people, ideas, and practical tools to equip each person to achieve success as defined by his or her unique dream. We want to help you discover the leader that you were designed to be and unleash you to be wildly successful!
Our people development expertise includes:
- The Strategic Life Pyramid™ Process, a process designed to equip the Unique Me of every person to be intentional about living a wildly successful life
- Certified administration of Bar-On EQ-i™ assessments, emotional intelligence assessments and coaching
Individualized leadership development and coaching
Servant Leadership
Servant leaders lead with the hearts of servants and serve with the hearts of kings. They learned to lead well by first learning to follow well.
Servant leaders infuse people with purpose and passion…
Servant leaders inspire confidence in others to believe in themselves….
Servant leaders empower people to achieve the extraordinary…and embrace with joy the responsibility and privilege of helping others succeed.
Do you aim to become a servant leader or put servant leadership into practice in your organization? TBL Leadership Partners has been practicing servant leadership for years…we would be honored to support you in fulfilling your servant leadership goals!
Angela Owen on "People Success"

Monday, February 5th, 2018
Grace: Resting as a Lifestyle
We invite you to step into a Truventure journey as we share short excerpts from our new book, “Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living.” It is our hope that you might be inspired to prayerfully embark on your own personal quest.