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Stay on Track Toward a Healthier 2013

Stay on TrackHere comes March and I know we’ve all had great intentions of getting or staying healthy in 2013. We made resolutions to exercise, to get more time with our families, or to put a few more green items in our diet. By green items, I don’t mean cans of Mountain Dew! Around this time of year, I start to waiver on my new-year goals, but I want to make a concerted effort to stay on track and encourage you to do so as well.


Here are a few highlights of some things I’m trying to do to stay healthy:

  1. Eat my veggies. Nature provides the best fuel for my body. I’m a huge fan of Juice Plus+, my concentrated fruit and vegetable capsules.
  2. Drink water…drink more water…drink more water…I admit I have a weak spot for coffee, but will otherwise choose water any day over sodas, sports drinks, or other beverages.  The brain contains a high percentage of water. When I dehydrate it, I don’t think very well and it shows! ?  I also have a natural tendency to produce kidney stones, so drinking water is all the more needed for me.  I need to drink 60 oz. of water a day.
  3. Laugh a lot. Laughter really is good medicine for the soul!  Laughter releases stress and helps maintain healthy perspective on my emotional well-being. I laugh most with my family.  Tyler, my son, is naturally funny and cracks me up every day through our daily conversation.  Lexy keeps a sweet, sunny outlook on most things and just generally warms my heart.  I also love to laugh with good friends over meal or a cup of coffee.
  4. Love a lot. Focusing more on others and less on myself keeps me out of self-centered pity parties. When I give my life away in service to others, I find that my problems don’t seem as looming or insurmountable.   Currently. I serve on school committees and volunteer groups in and around western North Carolina. Additionally, I serve as the facilitator for the Women’s Business Exchange that aims at coaching female entrepreneurs and professionals in my area.  These opportunities are so valuable to me because I am able to serve others by using my experiences in business to equip the individuals and organizations I work with for success. I am passionate about serving other and enabling them to achieve far more than they believe is possible.
  5. Talk to my journal. Pen to paper is an excellent way for me to process my thoughts and gauge how I am doing in every area of life. Writing helps me to get my worries, ideas, and to-do’s out of my mind so I am able to see exactly how I am doing and take the necessary steps to move forward in areas where I need some work.
  6. Get outside. A brisk walk on a sunny day lifts my spirits and provides great physical benefits. I am healthiest when I’m spending time outside. It is a high priority for my well being to enjoy nature.
  7. Don’t forget to rest! This is my weakest area and I’m working hard this year to get an adequate amount of sleep each night.  Although, most of the time, I do not get enough sleep. Even when I go to bed early, I seem to wake up several times per night.   Limiting my screen time before bed has been helpful in attempting to get my mind off work and developing a routine to cultivate a healthier sleep pattern. In addition, especially during periods of travel, I use the White Noise app to create a consistent noise for my sleep environment. It is extremely important for healthy living to get ample rest.


I hope you’ll consider these tips and keep moving toward a healthier 2013. What new habits are you working to implement into to your life to move you toward a healthier 2013? We would love to hear from you!

