impacting business
inspiring people
impacting business
influencing community

Leading Wisely in the Wake of Foolishness

Leading Wisely in the Wake of Foolishness

The Old Testament story of Nabal and Abigail is a classic case of one person’s poor leadership followed by the wise leadership of another. In 1 Samuel 25, we read that David and his men had been with the shepherds guarding Nabal’s sheep. David’s men had respected, guarded, and protected the shepherds throughout the stay alongside their fields. When David sent a few of his men to greet Nabal and request his favor, Nabal responded with insults and arrogance. Nabal’s foolish response to David’s request triggered David and his men to gird their swords for an attack on Nabal and his household.

When Nabal’s wife, Abigail, heard the news of the impending attack, she sprung into action. We can learn at least four lessons from her response . . .

Be a Cheerleader – And Change the World

Be a cheerleader - and change the world

The final days of summer are waning as leisurely days at the beach give way to morning bus routines and classroom lessons.  My children attend Rosman High School, the same small school from which I graduated.  Since my days of roaming the halls, the cafeteria has been promoted from the basement to a new expansion

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Timeless Gifts and a Big Box of Reason

Christmas Star

The holiday rush is upon us and the busyness of year end responsibilities can compound the stresses of an already hectic season.  Keep the true spirit of Christmas alive by sharing a few of these timeless gifts.   1.  Peace.  Steady nerves and relieve anxiety by remaining calm  in the face of holiday chaos.  Refuse

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Have you left fingerprints lately??

My family recently gathered to celebrate the life of a man who left a dynamic fingerprint within our community.  After finishing a career at IBM, my uncle and his wife moved back home to Balsam Grove, NC.   Since his move home, Uncle Cleamon steadily and quietly served to make our community a better place

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