impacting business
inspiring people
impacting business
influencing community

Beyond Tolerable – Finding Purpose and Meaning in a Summer Job

After listening to my teenage daughter and niece surmise about the “horrors” of several summer jobs, I found myself chuckling to think of the rapid awakening that both would have upon entering the “real” world after high school and college.  From their conversation, I recognized that these two beautiful young ladies currently view holding a

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Have you left fingerprints lately??

My family recently gathered to celebrate the life of a man who left a dynamic fingerprint within our community.  After finishing a career at IBM, my uncle and his wife moved back home to Balsam Grove, NC.   Since his move home, Uncle Cleamon steadily and quietly served to make our community a better place

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Dinnertime Inspiration


I grew up sharing the dinner table with my mother, a gifted teacher and creative genius of all things crafty, my younger brother, the only playmate I had within miles and the one who most frequently got on my last nerve, and my father, my personal hero and the one who taught me to laugh,

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The Journey of the Spring Forum

Wow.  It is hard to believe that more than two weeks have passed since our Spring 2010 TBL Student Leadership Forum in Nanjing.   The workshops and forum dinner event were a huge success!  Thank you to the professionals who so generously gave of their time, talents, and resources.  Thank you to the student volunteers

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