Be a Cheerleader – And Change the World

Be a cheerleader - and change the world

The final days of summer are waning as leisurely days at the beach give way to morning bus routines and classroom lessons.  My children attend Rosman High School, the same small school from which I graduated.  Since my days of roaming the halls, the cafeteria has been promoted from the basement to a new expansion

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Treasure Hunting – Leaders Discover and Unlock Potential

Privileges and responsibilities of leadership: How does a leader discover these hidden gems and help bring out the best in every person?

  One of the privileges and responsibilities of leadership is to unearth and polish the treasure of who others are.  Like mining for fine gems, sometimes the treasure lies near the surface and its glimmer can be readily seen.  But often, the jewel sits buried beneath layers of life, perhaps even facades masking the true

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