impacting business
inspiring people
impacting business
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Grace: Resting as a Lifestyle

Grace: Resting as a Lifestyle

We invite you to step into a Truventure journey as we share short excerpts from our new book, “Truventure: Strategy for Wildly Successful Living.” It is our hope that you might be inspired to prayerfully embark on your own personal quest.

The Norwegian Wilderness, My Truventure Trailhead

Norwegian Wilderness-Truventure Trailhead

A remote cabin in Norway was the trailhead of my Truventure. The Norwegian wilderness afforded solitude with my Confidant to discuss questions like, How do I make my life count? With only the wilderness to distract me, I indulged extravagant time to ask What are my priorities? Delving into such questions and living out the answers with my True Quest became my true adventure.

The Power of Your Why

Power of Your Why - TBL Leadership Partners

Recently, I challenged someone with this question: “Why do you really want to do this job?” Struggling to see past a wave of challenges, this leader was feeling lost. Without clarity of reason for being in his current role, he was drowning beneath on the crashing surf of challenge and circumstance.

Are you too feeling overwhelmed by your responsibility as a leader? Do problems cast shadows of doubt in your confidence to move forward? Maybe it’s time to harness the power of your why.

Smeared Ink Clouds

Smeared Ink Clouds - TBL Leadership Partners

It’s been a while since I sat at my desk to write. In fact, apart from my private journaling or composing email messages, I’ve not strung coherent thoughts together in writing since my father passed earlier this year. Each time I’ve entertained the idea of writing again, an impasse has loomed before me like a smeared ink cloud that hides my words.

Tangled Intentions

Tangled Intentions - TBL Leadership Partners

A sudden crash followed by groans of despair echoed from the living room. Johnny came running into the room angry and upset. The lego tower he had worked so hard to build was destroyed! He and Jack had been playfully wrestling in the living room when Jack lost his balance and crashed into Johnny’s engineering

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A Gazillion Bubbles – But Only One You

A Gazillion Bubbles - But Only One You

A few weeks ago, my family and I enjoyed The Gazillion Bubble Show at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN. I admit that when I entered the theatre for the show, I had my doubts. After all, how much could one really do with bubbles??

I was soon on the edge of my seat realizing how ridiculously shallow my expectations had been.

Building Communication Bridges

Building Communication Bridges - TBL Leadership Partners

Effective communication involves exchanging ideas, thoughts, and feelings. When communicating with others, picture yourself building a bridge that connects the idea that you want to convey from you to the other party.

Before building a physical bridge across a river, it is imperative to identify where the bridge will connect on the banks of the river. The same concept applies when building communication bridges. You must identify where to connect with the other individual involved in the communication exchange.

What is a “Lifestyle Entrepreneur” – Video Presentation

What is a "Lifestyle Entreprenuer"

Thanks to all who turned out to hear our presentation on Lifestyle Entrepreneurship this past week in Brevard, NC. Special thanks to Gary Heisey, Director of Small Business Development, Clark Lovelace from the Brevard Chamber of Commerce and Norm Books from Channel 70 Productions. Fostering lifestyle entrepreneurship takes a special place and special people, and

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How Deep Are Your Roots? – A Leader’s Core Convictions

How Deep Are Your Roots? - A Leader's Core Convictions

“Angela, if you are ever going to succeed in this organization, you need to learn to raise your voice and throw a chair around every now and then.  People need to know you mean business!”   As appalling as it to think that someone would ever offer advice that chair throwing is required for effective

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Apples – Are Yours Golden or Poisoned?: The Power of Words

Golden Apples - The Power of Words

Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.  – Proverbs 25:11   Words are powerful…so powerful, in fact, that when spoken they actually carry either life or death.  The words of a leader can lift a person up or take a person down; propel a project forward or drive

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