impacting business
inspiring people
impacting business
influencing community

Truventure – The True You

Truventure - True You

God created each of us as a unique person. This means more than having a unique set of fingerprints. He created each of us with a complex synthesis of interests, expertise, personalities, talents, gifts, values, callings, passions and priorities. He did this with divine intentionality. He did this for the fulfillment of His perfect grand plan, not by mere happenstance or rolling genetic dice. Our Creator is heavily invested in His plan for each of us, and He does not leave us alone to figure it out.

Truventure – Mind and Spirit

Truventure - Mind and Spirit

When I fully rest in Christ’s provision, fully surrender to His ownership, and fully commit to differentiating between truth and lies, I am positioning myself for intimacy with the Lover of my soul. This most intimate of relationships works as long as I am candid with the One who knows everything anyway. By His very nature, God is personal and He communicates personally. “Mind and Spirit” explores how to engage in two-way communication with the Master of the Universe.

Truventure – Truth and Lies

Truventure - Truth and Lies

As we pursue a strategically aligned life with our Creator, we embrace His grace and submit to His lordship—nevertheless, we get tripped up because we live in a war zone. Our lives are the prized battleground between epic combatants—God, the Author of Truth, and Satan, the father of lies. Consequently, our ability to discern both truth and lies is an essential Prerequisite Principle of our Truventure.

Truventure – Lordship: A Lifestyle Yielded to My True Owner

Truventure - Lordship

In my pursuit of a strategically aligned life with my Creator, I want to see lordship as He sees it before I spend any time on strategy. I want to be crystal clear on my position relative to God, because that affects everything I strategize and how it is implemented. As a strategist, I find one jugular point about lordship particularly helpful to adjust my paradigm to God’s perspective: this is not my life. He is the Potter; I am the clay.

Truventure – Prerequisite Principles

Truventure - Prerequisite Principles.

Physical Chemistry was my most difficult undergraduate course, but I made it nearly impossible by skipping one of the prerequisite courses, third-year calculus. As a result, the meaning of prerequisite left an indelible impression on me. Prerequisite Principles are the lens we need to accurately understand and apply Truventure—to accurately understand how to think about each topic and how to tractively apply each lifestyle.

Smeared Ink Clouds

Smeared Ink Clouds - TBL Leadership Partners

It’s been a while since I sat at my desk to write. In fact, apart from my private journaling or composing email messages, I’ve not strung coherent thoughts together in writing since my father passed earlier this year. Each time I’ve entertained the idea of writing again, an impasse has loomed before me like a smeared ink cloud that hides my words.

Why I Became a Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Why I Became a Lifestyle Entrepreneur

I type these words from my makeshift office in the living room of my childhood home. My father is in his 11th year of battling Parkinson’s Disease, and my mother had hip replacement surgery last week. I have temporarily moved back into their home to support them as my mom heals from her surgery and

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How Deep Are Your Roots? – A Leader’s Core Convictions

How Deep Are Your Roots? - A Leader's Core Convictions

“Angela, if you are ever going to succeed in this organization, you need to learn to raise your voice and throw a chair around every now and then.  People need to know you mean business!”   As appalling as it to think that someone would ever offer advice that chair throwing is required for effective

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Apples – Are Yours Golden or Poisoned?: The Power of Words

Golden Apples - The Power of Words

Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances.  – Proverbs 25:11   Words are powerful…so powerful, in fact, that when spoken they actually carry either life or death.  The words of a leader can lift a person up or take a person down; propel a project forward or drive

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Failing Forward: Blown Lightbulbs and the Lessons Therein

Failing Forward: Blown Lightbulbs and the Lessons Therein

The nemesis of my sophomore year of college was a class called Circuits 101. Known as a “weeder class”, one designed to instill frustration and confusion in aspiring engineering students, the possibilities of passing or failing were extreme.  Each test consisted of only two questions, yielding only 3 possible test scores:  0, 50, or 100. I studied.

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