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A Gazillion Bubbles – But Only One You

A Gazillion Bubbles - But Only One YouA few weeks ago, my family and I enjoyed The Gazillion Bubble Show at Dollywood in Pigeon Forge, TN. I admit that when I entered the theatre for the show, I had my doubts. After all, how much could one really do with bubbles??? Despite my low expectations, I was grateful for a few minutes of respite from the heat of the day and settled down to rest and relax during the show. I was soon on the edge of my seat realizing how ridiculously shallow my expectations had been. Deni Yang, bubble artist and star of the show, wove together a mosaic of bubbles, lights, lasers, music, and storytelling that at times literally took my breath away and moved the entire audience with emotion.

Deni’s show did more than entertain me. It inspired me. I was inspired that this young man had the courage and discipline to follow his passion and talent as a bubble artist. I was inspired that he leveraged a simple childhood joy of bubble-making to build a platform that entertained and engaged people of all ages and all walks of life. I was inspired to see this bubble artist living his own life of TRUVENTURE.

Regardless of what it is that you do, a life of TRUVENTURE represents you being unleashed, fully alive and wildly successful in the life that you were designed to live. If you are ready to explore the landscape of your life and discover the markers that make you uniquely you, then grab a cup of coffee, find a comfortable chair, and begin your journey by pondering these questions:

What core values and principles are important to you?

What strengths, talents and gifts do you have?

How would you describe your personality traits?

What are some of the most significant life lessons that you’ve learned?

When are you most fulfilled?

As the name of The Gazillion Bubble Show implies, there were quite possibly a gazillion bubbles in the theatre that day. But rest assured that there is only one you and only you can choose to live life as you were designed to live. It’s time to take your stage and let your own bubble-making magic begin!

Life is calling,


Visit the Truventure website for more information