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Truventure – Truth and Lies

Truventure - Truth and Lies

As we pursue a strategically aligned life with our Creator, we embrace His grace and submit to His lordship—nevertheless, we get tripped up because we live in a war zone. Our lives are the prized battleground between epic combatants—God, the Author of Truth, and Satan, the father of lies. Consequently, our ability to discern both truth and lies is an essential Prerequisite Principle of our Truventure.


Clearing the Decks

Throughout the ages seamen bellowed, “Clear the decks!” to prepare their vessel for unhindered action—primarily battle. Likewise, I must clear the decks of my primary battleground—my mind—to stand free alongside my Commander. This is vital to my war strategy; I must enlist Him to vigilantly, ruthlessly address lies that contradict truths I claim to believe. Otherwise I am complicit with the enemy—intentionally or by default. Unless I want to be ambushed trying to do this alone, I must enlist the only One who can win. Recall our Truventure grace pact—everything by Christ living His life in and through me.

It is easier to leave the decks of a ship sloppy than to clear the decks; it is easier to believe lies than to walk out truth—but ease is not the priority. My Commander determinedly sacrificed everything for me, and keeps fighting for His design of my life in its purest form. How invaluable: I want to wholeheartedly cooperate! He wants to give me a quintessential life in return for cooperating with Him in a lifestyle of clearing the decks. No more settling for something less, no more under-targeting, no more shortchanging myself from all He designed—clear of contradictions and lies, I can be me, unconstrained.

Invite God to help you identify any areas where lies have crept in and made their way on the deck of your life. Make note of any lies exposed.

Refuse to receive any whispers of condemnation that may be slithering nearby. Ask God to reveal the truth that annihilates each lie and record what you hear Him say. (For example, God promised to supply all my needs.)


Carpe diem stratégique!

Mark Modjeska and Angela Owen