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Tug of War

Tug of War - Birds - TBL Leadership PartnersAirplanes, hotel rooms, and deadlines filled my schedule January through May.  My calendar was jam packed with one commitment after another, and I had very few unplanned hours in my schedule.  June ushered in the days of summer with a slower travel schedule and a lot more free time on my calendar.  As I threw open the windows to embrace the dance of the summer breeze and the music of colorful songbirds, I realized that the open windows on my calendar invited another couple to the summertime party.  And this couple liked to play the game of Tug-of-War.  Of whom do I speak?  …Free Time and Self Discipline.

With empty hours on my previously full schedule, I found myself facing a daily tug- of- war between Free Time and Self DisciplineFree Time pointed out the open schedule and nudged me to take things easy, to relax and let go, to spend time frivolously.  Self Discipline prompted me to set daily milestones, to establish goals, and to work from a plan to keep me and my business moving forward.

When external influences fill our schedules with commitments and deadlines, our calendar naturally fills with the requirements needed to meet the objectives set forth for us.  When we do not feel the influence of external commitments or deadlines, we can either waste time or choose to make good use of the time.  If we choose the former, we are sure to stifle, slow or lose progress.  Choosing the latter ensures continued progress toward our goals.

Like the changing seasons, our schedules often ebb and flow between busy, hectic times and slower days.  During seasons when we have more freedom in our schedules, may we stop the unfriendly game of Tug of War between Free Time and Self Discipline and coach them to play together on the same team!