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I Am Wonder Woman…Well, Not Really…But I Am Wonderfully Made and So Are You!

I Am Wonder Woman, Wonderfully MadeAs a young girl, I dreamed of being Wonder Woman or Supergirl.  With my handy blanket tied around my neck in cape-like fashion, I’d run up and down the hallway by my bedroom with amazing super powers enabling me to escape from dark forces conjured up in my imagination.  On other days, I dressed in my best costume jewelry and dreamed of being a princess in a beautiful kingdom.  Whether dreaming of royalty or superhero powers, my heart consistently longed for one thing – significance.

Eventually, childhood dreams gave way to the peer pressures of high school, scholastic stresses, and eventually career expectations.  Dreams of significance faded to hopes for success and on my darkest days, hopes for success dimmed to longings to simply survive.  But somewhere in the back of my mind, the dream carried on as did the question, “Why am I here and what significance does my life really have?”

This same question burns in the minds of countless others around the world every day.  Whether we ever allow this notion to surface or not, we were all created with longings for significance.  And here is the secret that I’ve recently discovered – God specifically designed me to be the unique me to both uniquely fit and uniquely function in His grand plan1.  And He did not just do this for me…He did it for every single person on the planet.

Only I can be successful at being the unique me that God created me to be and only you can be successful at being the unique you that He masterfully designed.  My good friend, Mark Modjeska, says it best, “By His grace I can win the gold medal at being the unique me that He created me to be.”  If I truly believe this about myself, how might my outlook on life change?  What will I do anything differently today?  Are there things cluttering my calendar that warrant clearing out to make room for that which matters most?

If you and I believe this about others around us, how might we treat people differently?  When tempted to reprimand or remind another of their shortcomings, would we offer encouragement and words of hope instead?  Will we express frustration and disappointment to the teenage boy who just struck out at the plate, or will we instill a note of confidence in him with words of encouragement and coaching that enables him to imagine success rather than fearing potential failure?

Awaken those dreams, friend.   I see you standing on the podium of life right now, and the gold medal of being the unique you shining brightly around your neck.  Put on your cape…awaken those dreams…it’s time to slay dragons of mediocrity and give way to a life of significance today!


To you and your significance,



1Mark Modjeska