impacting business
inspiring people
impacting business
influencing community

Plan to Win

Two Points

My dad loves to watch basketball and played a mean game in his younger days.   Daddy knows how to see the court, beat the defense and score some points. I love hearing stories of his school team making great plays and playing to win. Does your business have a play book? Are you positioned to

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Stuck in the Mud

Stuck in the Mud

Have you ever found yourself stuck? Perhaps the roaring start that once powered your progress slowly crept to a snail’s pace and finally ground to a halt. Or maybe you’ve never gotten that project off the ground at all. Whatever the case, stuck moments are typically nonproductive, aggravating, and sometimes even a bit embarrassing. My

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2013 Leadership Forum


Timeless Gifts and a Big Box of Reason

Christmas Star

The holiday rush is upon us and the busyness of year end responsibilities can compound the stresses of an already hectic season.  Keep the true spirit of Christmas alive by sharing a few of these timeless gifts.   1.  Peace.  Steady nerves and relieve anxiety by remaining calm  in the face of holiday chaos.  Refuse

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Catch the Waves – 5 Steps Toward Intelligent Risk Taking

I held tightly to his forearm as we bobbed and jumped in the wet playground of waves.  I gazed in wonder at the sea foam as it danced back and forth from crest to shore before disappearing on the golden sand.  I was but a tiny spec on the edge of the Atlantic and from

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3 Ways to Know You Need an Attitude Adjustment

The buzzing insect rested lightly on my mother’s forehead. From the corner of his keen eye, Daddy noticed the blood thirsty culprit and decided to make his move. Reaching to grab the hat from his head, Daddy laid to rest the insect that had irritated my mother the better part of the afternoon. My mother’s

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Drive Trains and Leadership

If you keep up with my blog, you know that my father was a great mechanic…and that he taught me to trace a drive train.  What you might not know are the conditions in which some of that teaching occurred. I was away at college when I began having problems with my ’82 Subaru Wagon,

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Have you left fingerprints lately??

My family recently gathered to celebrate the life of a man who left a dynamic fingerprint within our community.  After finishing a career at IBM, my uncle and his wife moved back home to Balsam Grove, NC.   Since his move home, Uncle Cleamon steadily and quietly served to make our community a better place

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Growing Up “Rich”

"Rich" Daddy - TBL Leadership Partners

My daddy is rich. He never earned a college degree. He never carried a fancy business card in his wallet or worked in a high- class office building. An old Subaru is his vehicle of choice… His home boasts of three small bedrooms and two tiny bathrooms (each barely big enough for a gnat to

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Dinnertime Inspiration


I grew up sharing the dinner table with my mother, a gifted teacher and creative genius of all things crafty, my younger brother, the only playmate I had within miles and the one who most frequently got on my last nerve, and my father, my personal hero and the one who taught me to laugh,

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