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Time to Soar

aowen180I can say with certainty that my faith, my family, and my friends will anchor me through every storm and inspire me to fly high regardless of the circumstances.

It is hard to believe that 2010 and the birth of a new decade have arrived!  One of the traditions that I like to practice as the calendar turns the page of another year, is to reflect upon my life, not only in terms of what has been but also what will be.


As I think back upon 2009, I realize that the mountains and the valleys of the previous year provided great lessons and experiences to lead me and launch me into this new decade.  When the world faced economic crisis, I learned what it meant to stand together with an amazing team to find faith and a way forward when the numbers were scary and the outlook appeared bleak.  As my precious father faced multiple surgeries and medical challenges, I learned what it meant to face doubt and fear with hope, courage, and the love of a beloved family that refuses to give up.  I found incredible joy in traveling to other countries and forging friendships that transcend distance and location.  I watched my children adapt to new schools, make new friends, and grow even more into the amazing young woman and man that they were each created to be.  I celebrated fifteen years of marriage with my wonderful husband, best friend and man of my dreams.  Like old photographs in an album, images of 2009 prompt recollections of an exciting, challenging, and growth-filled year for me both personally and professionally.


In looking forward to the future and the journey that lies ahead, I ask myself…

What will 2010 bring into my life? 

      And what will my life bring to 2010?

Who will influence me in the New Year?

       And who will my life influence in the New Year?

 How will challenges arise as the decade unfolds?

       And how will I rise to face the challenges that lie ahead?

I don’t pretend to be able to look into a crystal ball and predict the future, but I can say with certainty that my faith, my family, and my friends will anchor me through every storm, inspire me to fly high regardless of the circumstances, and challenge me to dream bigger than I’ve ever dreamed before.  So come on, won’t you join me?  Let’s set our goals and hopes high and soar the skies of 2010 together!


Angela Owen

3 responses to “Time to Soar


  1. laura says:

    Please note, this entry was originally posted by Angela on January 5, 2010.

  2. Terry Chandler says:

    We’re positioned to win, and I know we will. Terry Chandler/Angela’s Personal Assistant

  3. attinygably says:


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