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2014 Fall Leadership Forum in Nanjing, China

  TBL Leadership Partners is looking forward to the 2014 Fall Leadership Forum in Nanjing, China. The Forum will be November 8th at the Intercontinental Hotel.   Application for Participation Submit an application Application deadline: Oct 10th, 10:00pm    

The Leadership Filter – Champions of Principle

Leadership Principles

Although I knew almost nothing about the game at the time, I coached my son’s soccer team when he was only four years old.   I embarked upon the season determined to learn enough about soccer to be able to teach the boys a few fundamentals.  To my great surprise, I learned more than I

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I Am Wonder Woman…Well, Not Really…But I Am Wonderfully Made and So Are You!

I Am Wonder Woman, Wonderfully Made

As a young girl, I dreamed of being Wonder Woman or Supergirl.  With my handy blanket tied around my neck in cape-like fashion, I’d run up and down the hallway by my bedroom with amazing super powers enabling me to escape from dark forces conjured up in my imagination.  On other days, I dressed in

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Be a Cheerleader – And Change the World

Be a cheerleader - and change the world

The final days of summer are waning as leisurely days at the beach give way to morning bus routines and classroom lessons.  My children attend Rosman High School, the same small school from which I graduated.  Since my days of roaming the halls, the cafeteria has been promoted from the basement to a new expansion

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Treasure Hunting – Leaders Discover and Unlock Potential

Privileges and responsibilities of leadership: How does a leader discover these hidden gems and help bring out the best in every person?

  One of the privileges and responsibilities of leadership is to unearth and polish the treasure of who others are.  Like mining for fine gems, sometimes the treasure lies near the surface and its glimmer can be readily seen.  But often, the jewel sits buried beneath layers of life, perhaps even facades masking the true

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Dependent Independence

Still Daddy's Girl

On the Fourth of July, my family, like many others, gathered around food, fun and fireworks to celebrate America’s Independence.  Independence…what meaning does that word really carry, not just for a nation but also for individuals around the world? My father raised me to be an independent woman who learns from her mistakes, faces challenge

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2014 Leadership Forum in Nanjing, China

  TBL Leadership Partners along with a great team of professionals traveled to Nanjing, China to work with students aspiring to become successful leaders. Thank you to our professionals and our amazing students for making this such a meaningful experience for all!      

Beyond Tolerable – Finding Purpose and Meaning in a Summer Job

After listening to my teenage daughter and niece surmise about the “horrors” of several summer jobs, I found myself chuckling to think of the rapid awakening that both would have upon entering the “real” world after high school and college.  From their conversation, I recognized that these two beautiful young ladies currently view holding a

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Simple Thoughts of Spring

As I sit at the edge of my son’s ball field on a glorious spring day, I am enthralled by the simple beauty of young life. Small yellow flowers pepper the edge of the outfield. Tiny green leaves peak out from trees branches swaying in the wind. Young men dream of the majors as they

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Leadership Forum 2014

Our Student Leadership Forum is quickly approaching. In just a few short weeks, TBL Leadership Partners along with a great team of professionals will travel to Nanjing, China to work with students aspiring to become successful leaders.