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Stay on Track Toward a Healthier 2013

Stay on Track

Here comes March and I know we’ve all had great intentions of getting or staying healthy in 2013. We made resolutions to exercise, to get more time with our families, or to put a few more green items in our diet. By green items, I don’t mean cans of Mountain Dew! Around this time of

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Don’t Quit

Bridge Overlook - Don't Quit

May you find encouragement in this poem as I often have…I don’t know the name of the author, but I am grateful for the pen that captured these thoughts.   Don’t Quit When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the

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I Felt Like a Racehorse!

I felt like a racehorse!

If someone were to ask you to describe your life, what would you say?  Would you bemoan about the challenge of your high stress job and demanding boss?   Would you sigh in exasperation about the fatigue you feel regarding the endless list of things that you must do every day?  …Or, would you relish the

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November Leadership Forum Workshops

In just a few weeks, TBL Leadership Partners will head to Nanjing, China to take part in our bi-annual student leadership forum. We have some fabulous professionals joining us to help develop and promote success in students attending the forum. Below are seminar offerings for this fall’s event. Join with us as we head across

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TBL Student Leadership Forum – Nanjing, China

TBL Leadership Partners and Blue Bridge International invite you to join us our Fall TBL Student Leadership Forum on Saturday, November 10, 2012 in Nanjing. Apply now! We will enjoy a series of workshops on leadership, business, and life. In addition, plan to enjoy a keynote speech and a marvelous meal.  To apply for the forum, please download and complete the

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The Power to Focus

Ever feel like you are being pulled in a million different directions and like you just can’t seem to make progress in accomplishing anything in any one of them?  Do you ever struggle to maintain focus and find yourself bouncing between tasks like popcorn popping on the stovetop?  If so, then you are not alone! 

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The Lost Art of Communication

In this age of ever growing information, it seems that true communication has become a lost art of sorts.  We are constantly giving and receiving information through an increasingly complex array of media…email, text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, smart phones, the internet, …and the list goes on and on. Does sending out a tweet every

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Spring 2012 TBL Student Leadership Forum

TBL Leadership Partners invites you to join us on Saturday, April 14th for our Spring TBL Student Leadership Forum in Nanjing. Apply now! We will enjoy a series of  workshops on leadership, business, and life; a keynote speech and a marvelous meal.  To apply for the forum, please download and complete the ATTACHED APPLICATION Completed applications

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TBL Student Leadership Forum – Nanjing, China

TBL Leadership Partners, Blue Bridge International and CDTI – City Development & Training Initiative, invite you to join us on Sunday, November  6th for our Fall TBL Student Leadership Forum in Nanjing. Apply now! We will enjoy a series of  workshops on leadership, business, and life; a keynote speech and a marvelous meal.  To apply for the forum, please

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TBL Student Leadership Forum – Mumbai, India

TBL Leadership Partners and Blue Bridge International are pleased to announce the first TBL Student Leadership Forum in Mumbai, India on Sunday, January 16th, 2011.  You are invited to apply now! The Forum starts with an afternoon of workshops that address Cross-Cultural Communication, Problem Solving, Leading at Your Personal Best, and more!  Following the workshops,

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